Art pedagogy, all Latvia


Prince A, individual worker

No 02.11. 2024. - 30.11.2024. Jelgavas kultūras namā izstāde, kas veltīta Valsts jubilejai "Latvijas daba un ainavas".
"Pērkoni", Liepziedi, Auru pagasts, Dobeles nov., LV-3701

Painter, art teacher and landscape architect Aija Prince lives in Dobele. Has established two painting studios - one in Dobele, the other in Jaunpilis.

INNOVA, Private secondary school in the center of Riga

Krišjāņa Barona 130, Rīga, LV-1012
groups, Private high school, Private school Innova, Children and youth education center, Development Pedagogy

Lejas-Andersones I. psihologa privātprakse

Kungu 21, Liepāja, LV-3401
relaxation exercises, mindfulness, mindfulness practices, visualisation, visualization exercises, art

Grāmatu nams Valters un Rapa, LTD

Aspazijas bulvāris 24, Rīga LV-1050
English, dictionaries, language teaching materials, magazines, magazines, greeting cards, blanks, art , non-traditional medicine, primary school educational literature, pre-school educational literature, psychology, pedagogy

Bērnu attīstības centrs SAULESPUĶE, LTD

Meža 4A-55, Rīga LV-1048
kindergarten in Pardaugava, english, english for children, parties for children, preparation for school, art , classes for children, montessori, Waldorf pedagogy , municipal funding for kindergartens, developmental

Pedagoģiskais centrs Eksperiments, LTD

Krišjāņa Barona 130, Rīga, LV-1012
Development Pedagogy and Psychology Center. Educational centers. Secondary education., communication games, speech development, creative imagination formation and development, construction, fine art

Igmalin, LTD, Family centre

Lubānas 125A - 2, Rīga, LV-1021
Development Pedagogy and Psychology Center. Educational centers. Hobby groups. Training.